Jammin’Land : An Amazing Musical Experience In Decentraland® Perform A Live Jam Session In Metaverse ! |
Practice InstrumentsGet on the scene and select the instrument your want to play. If you’re already a musician, performing the instruments will be straight forward, but even if not, you’ll be able to learn very quickly. The 3D interactive model of each instrument allows you to play as for real, just click on the piano notes, the guitar’s cord or the drums and it’s just playing ! For a better experience, just click on the ’Play Me’ sign and you’ll get a 2D User Interface dedicated for each instrument. |
Compose your best themesWith the embedded sequencer, record your best loops and replay them to create awesome melodies.
Play in a band:With the multiplayer feature (*), play together with other avatars and even public can come and listen to you ! Let’s your avatars trying to cover your favorite bands or even your own musical collective creations. (*) multiplayer feature will be
available in a further version. |
Jam Sessions & Concerts:Invite other avatar for a jam online. You can also book an event and organize your own concert. There is enough place in the great Jammin’Land Music Hall building.
Record & ShareWith the recording/replay server (*), you can save your creations and reuse them later, for another session or let other avatar to listen to your music even when your not online ? (*) recording/replay server will be
available in a further version. |
Bonus: Be Rewarded !(require support of MANA transaction
(*)). Set a great performance and earn money! If you sound very good, the listeners will show their appreciation with a few tips of MANA. (*) support of MANA transaction will
be available in a further version. |
Previews |
the Jammin’Land Music Hall |
Piano part 😊 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P9_LhAH6Co |
Online Demo
https://jamminland.levalleuxludo.now.sh/?position=0%2C0 |